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James Beard Lifetime Achievement Award

  “I first stepped inside a professional kitchen some 50 years ago. It was love at first sight. A lifetime filled with joy and wonders, friendship and love. The James Beard Foundation Lifetime Award is the icing on the cake, and what a cake it…

We Can Cook!

We Can Cook!

  Inspired by one of Martin’s recipes? Think you can improve upon it? Here’s your chance. Post your creations at #WeCanCook or tag us @YanCanCook. Have your own recipe? Perhaps one from your mom? Show us, show everybody! We Can Cook! And So Can Yan……

Sichuan cuisine 四川菜 from Chengdu China 成 都

In 2010, Chengdu was named a UNESCO City of Gastronomy. It’s not hard to see why, when there are restaurants and street vendors serving mouth-wateringly delicious dishes and snacks on pretty much every street. It really is a place where food is taken seriously and…